I started my counseling career with one goal in mind: to help people find balance and manage their mental health. My background in psychology and counseling combined with my experience as a wildland firefighter has prepared me to work with firefighters around any mental health concerns.
About — Close the Gap Wellness
Dr Durkin joined the Orthopedic Associates team in Spring 2023 after practicing in Albuquerque, Shiprock and Durango. He is board certified in both emergency and sports medicine.
Timothy Durkin, DO - Farmington, NM: Orthopedic Associates PA
John Meyer owns and operates a REMS company based out of the northwest. Outside of REMS, John is a Rescue 3 Rope Rescue Instructor and Wilderness Medicine Instructor and brings experience in the Army, the Airforce, as a river guide, Ski Patroller, and structural firefighter.
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